guānzhù关注 |
Concern |
huángjīnshíqī黄金时期 |
Golden Time (a crucial period) |
tāntā坍塌 |
Collapse |
shànhòu善后 |
Rehabilitation (deal with problems arising from an accident, disaster, etc.) |
jiùyuánduì救援队 |
Rescue Team |
jīxiè机械 |
Mechanical |
diàochē吊车 |
Crane |
tóngháng同行 |
Peer |
zhuāngbèi装备 |
Equipment |
suŏzàidì所在地 |
Location |
kăolǜ考虑 |
Consider |
jítĭ遗体 |
Body |
qíngxù情绪 |
Feeling, mood |
xìnniàn信念 |
Faith |
zhīchēng支撑 |
Support |
xīyŏuyújì心有余悸 |
Reeling |
wălì瓦砾 |
Rubble |
bìngfāzhèng并发症 |
Complications |
shāngshì伤势 |
Injury |
tànfăng探访 |
Visit |
sōujiùduì搜救队 |
Search and rescue team |
shìchá视察 |
Inspection |
zhàngpéng帐篷 |
Tents |
yīliáopĭn医疗品 |
Medical supplies |
fèixū废墟 |
Ruins |
huòjiù获救 |
To berescued |
táoshēng逃生 |
Escape |
bèikùn被困 |
Trapped |
péibèi疲惫 |
Tired |
záinàn灾难 |
Disaster |
jiāojí焦急 |
Anxious |
zōnghé综合 |
Comprehensive |
suŏshèngwújĭ所剩无几 |
Depleted |
fŭlàn腐烂 |
Rot |
yìzhèng疫症 |
Epidemic |
liángshí粮食 |
Food |
qiăngluè抢掠 |
Looting |
jìnlì尽力 |
Do one’s best |
fāchòu发臭 |
Stink |
shēnghuánzhě生还者 |
Survivors |
qiānlĭzhīwài千里之外 |
Thousands of miles away |