MPhil Assignments MT06

  Readings Translation Homework Listening Comprehension Language Classes work
W1 核心方案 China vows to create a 'new socialist countryside' 中国农村人均收入不到城市三分之一    
W2 感受压力?先喝一杯茶! Tea soothes a troubled mind, say scientists 多喝茶好处多    
W3 美新任财长对华政策讲话

Paulson decides to be the good cop

W4 温和政改 

Democracy comes second in race for prosperity



Africa cashes in on new 'silk' routes with Asia

W6 留学英国 Bosses spot the best of both worlds in students from abroad 海外学生    
W7 我国出生性别比失调 2020年将有3000万光棍汉 40m bachelors and no women ... the birth of a new problem for China   中国推广奖励生女措施    
W8 中国天然湖泊面临消亡危机 A growth stream, or a way to get filthy rich? 英国工业化历史在中国重演