Chinese Multimedia

Lesson 19

Video and text
Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises


Question: Tell your friend that you have been completely confused by your teacher's explanations of the grammar.

Hint 1 Hint 1   Use 弄 得
Hint 2 Hint 2   Use 都…了
Comments Answer  我 老 师 的 语 法 解 释, 弄 得 我 都 完 全 糊 涂 了 都。 Listen
Comments Comments  Alternatively: 我 老 师 解 释 语 法 解 释 得 我 都 完 全 糊 涂 了
wǒ lǎoshī jiěshì yǔfǎ jiěshì de wǒ dōu wánquán hútu le. 都 ... 了 dōu ...le implies "already or almost in a state of" This expression indicates a person's level of anxiety or sense of urgency. An additional 都 dōu can be added to the end of the sentence to reinforce the anxiety. For instance, 我 都 等 了 半 天 了 都, 还 没 看 到 我 的 孩 子. 我 都 急 得 哭 了 都 wǒ dōu děng le bàntiān le dōu, hái méi kàn dào wǒ de háizi. wǒ dōu jí de kū le dōu  I have been waiting for ages, but still can't see my child. I've been so anxious that I'm in tears. 都 开 车 了 都,你 还 没 买 票 dōu kāi chē le dōu, nǐ hái méi mǎi piào the bus is about to leave, and you still haven't got a ticket!
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