Chinese Multimedia

Chinese    Audio  Pinyin  English  Used as
听 得 清 楚 audio icon tīngdeqīngchu able to hear clearly potential verb phrase
拿 得 动 audio icon nádedòng able to move (sth.) potential verb phrase
通 得 过 audio icon tōngdeguò able to pass potential verb phrase
记 得 住 audio icon jìdezhù able to remember potential verb phrase
坐 得 下 audio icon zuòdexià able to seat potential verb phrase
audio icon be afraid of verb
幸 运 audio icon xìngyùn be fortunate stative verb
热 门 audio icon rèmén be popular stative verb
audio icon close verb
眼 睛 audio icon yănjīng eye noun
法 律 audio icon fălǜ law noun
行 李 audio icon xíngli luggage noun
麦 克 风 audio icon màikèfēng microphone noun
不 用 audio icon búyòng no need verb
audio icon pick up, lift verb