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Lesson 9

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Question: The closest meaning of 王叔叔, 打扰您休息了 [Wáng shūshu, dărăo nín xiūxi le] is
refers to 王叔叔.
1 王叔叔打扰了您的休息 Uncle Wang has interrupted your nap. 2 我打扰了王叔叔的休息 I have interrupted Uncle Wang’s nap. 3 我和王叔叔都打扰了您的休息both Uncle Wang and I have interrupted your nap. 王叔叔, 打扰您休息了Uncle Wang, I have interrupted your nap.

Choose the answer
1. 王叔叔打扰了您的休息
[Wáng shūshu dărăole nín de xiūxi]
2. 我打扰了王叔叔的休息
[wŏ dărăole Wáng shūshu de xiūxi]
3. 我和王叔叔都打扰了您的休息
[wŏ hé Wáng shūshu dōu dărăole nín de xiūxi]