First year lectures, classes and tutorials timetable MT03

The full-form character textbook of Practical Chinese Reader and the Pinyin Pronunciation for Mandarin CDROM can be purchased from the office at ICS.

Click on (A) and (B) to see the name lists; place your mouse on Language tutorial to view the names of students.

  M T W Th F
10 Lang. class (A) (not in first week)  Rm 204      Mr. Kan Modern grammar   Rm 207 Dr. Liu Lang. class (B) Rm 206 Mr. Kan Modern grammar Rm 207 Dr. Liu Oral (B)       Rm 206         Ms Fang
11:15 Lang. lab.    Mr. Kan Lang. lab.       Mr. Kan Lang. lab.      Ms. Li Lang. lab.       Ms. Song Lang. lab.    Ms. Li
12 Classical Rm 207  Dr. Chard Art (Ashmolean) Ms Vainker Classical        Rm 207         Dr. Chard Oral (A) Rm 204  Ms Fang Classical       Rm 207         Dr. Chard
2 Language tutorial Rm 204 Mrs Dudbridge Language tutorial Rm 204 Mrs Dudbridge   History and Civilization (first week only) Rm 206 Dr. Faure  
3 Language tutorial Rm 204 Mrs Dudbridge Language tutorial Rm 204 Mrs Dudbridge   History and Civilization (first week only) Rm 206 Dr. Faure East Asian Surey L.Rm 1 Oriental Inst.


Group A: E.Buttery, J.Conlin, A.Freeman, I.Houlker, R.Kendall
Group B: S.Kim, J.Kinloch, R.Mumford, J.Orton, E.Walker