Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
University of Oxford

2nd Year MPhil Newspaper Reading Week 1 TT04

Topic: China Taiwan relation

Please translate the following passage into English. Your translation should be typed into the box at the bottom of this page.

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台湾经济大腕 萧万长希望两岸经贸一体化
    人民网4月26日讯 据香港文汇报报道,台湾ō经济大老ö萧万长博鳌亚洲论坛企业家座谈会上呼吁,两岸当局要珍惜两地经济互动合作的良好势头,早日促进ō三通ö和实现两岸经贸的一体化萧万长希望,两岸的企业应不受政治因素的阻扰,要变成ō一家人ö的企业,以促进两岸经贸一体化的早日实现。

Your work must be submitted by Friday.