Third year language assignments for HT 2010

Place the mouse on the letters in the first column to view the topics. The newspaper translation and reading comprehension exercises will be posted onto the Assignments area of the WebLearn site.

Topics Prose composition Interpreting Listening comprehension
W1 International aid efforts for Haiti gather pace

Sichuan Earthquake

公安部成立应急工作小组 紧急部署救援海地地震后维和人员 
W2 Bank shares tumble on Obama crackdown Credit Crunch  

Tony Blair admits Saddam threat was overstated

W4 Virgin Media to trial piracy-detection software    
W5 Drugs Anti drug
W6 UN nuclear watchdog accuses Iran over nuclear weapons Is nuclear power the answer?
W7 I recognise it. I’ve done it myself. But the PM is just a Scot losing his temper — with good reason    
W8 Bulger killer Jon Venables held over child porn claims


Pop culture