US Election
The American election has received a great deal of attention from all over the world. A
Chinese journalist is interviewing the director
of Committee for the Study of the American Electorate.
C: 昨天投票后的民意调查结果已经公布,我们的谈话能不能就从这个问题开始呢?º A: Ok, as you probably know, the basic alignments of the electorate echoed those of 2000. In general, men, white, rural residents and the religiously observant were backing Bush, while women, minorities, urban dwellers and the less religious were going for Kerry. Among Kerry's success last night was an apparent breakthrough among young voters. º C: 布什四年前曾经保证过要领导一个更团结而不是更分裂的国家,可是到目前为止,投票结果是不是证明这个国家2001年以来仍然是民心不一?º A: As I said, Bush was forced to content last night with the same racial, geographic and cultural splits that marked his first election. The strategy, which would bring him a solid majority of the electorate, would require: a quick and relatively bloodless war in Iraq, a booming economy with major job growth, a major victory in health care, and an internally divided Democratic Party. º C: 如果布什赢得大选,我们可不可以说美国人对道德问题的看法在这次竞选中起了重要作用?º A: Yes, one voter in five said moral values were the most important issue driving the vote, and almost eight out of ten backed Bush, though terrorism was almost as high in importance, and 85 percent of voters citing this also supported Bush. º C: 那么布什的对手克里也是一位强有力的竞争对手,克里的优势主要在哪些方面呢?º A: Kerry found his strongest support, which is more than 80 percent, among those who named the economy, jobs and the war in Iraq as their most important concerns. What also made him competitive in this race was that he won the voters who wanted change. º C: 谈到变化,这次大选跟2000年相比总的来说不同之处在哪里呢?º A: The 2000 race was unfolded in the now-distant era of peace and prosperity. The hot controversy didn't involve Bush. This time, by contrast, Bush was the centre of controversy, particularly regarding his reason for going to war with Iraq. º |