Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
University of Oxford

3rd Year Listening Comprehension

Topic 世卫警告:禽流感可能大流行全球经济应警惕

Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)

Please answer the following questions

  1. 为什么世界卫生组织呼吁世界各国注意应对禽流感?

  2. 世界卫生组织建议各国应该做好哪两件工作?

  3. 世界卫生组织与瑞士的药厂达成了什么协议?

  4. 有多少人死于1918年的全球流感?

  5. 到目前为止,什么人容易感染禽流感?

Click here to read the instruction for the exercise

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