Third year language assignments for TT 2023


  Interpreting Prose translation
W 1 Which is more trustworthy, mainstream media or bloggers? Chip War” traces the evolution of the semiconductor industry
W 2 The Arab World The Chinese-African relationship is important to both sides, but also unbalanced
W 3 My Experience in the Far East Will the coronation bring a UK tourism bonanza – or drive people away?
W 4 Higher Education The Guardian view on tuition fees: Labour needs an alternative solution
W 5 Vegetarianism Veg box firm Riverford to be 100% staff-owned as founder sells stake for £10m
W 6 The Binge Drinking culture Millions in UK drinking harmful levels of alcohol at home, experts warn
W 7 Living in a multicultural society What would Britain look like today if we’d chosen to follow the roads not taken?
W 8 War and Peace The Guardian view on Ukraine’s counteroffensive: even success has a cost