Sino-American Relationship

Mr Wang, chief news analyst for Phoenix CNE, is being interviewed by Mr Smith, a journalist from Reuters, on Sino-American relationship. You are their interpreter.

S: What do you think are the stumbling blocks in the development of the Sino-American relationship?

W: 我认为主要是台湾问题。美国常常忽视1972年《上海联合公报》的内容,认为台湾是他们的同盟,是一个独立体,而我们则始终认为台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。

S: You mentioned the year 1972 when President Nixon visited China. Since that year, Sino-American exchange have expanded on many fronts that should have increased understanding between the two peoples. However, many Chinese remain angry and mistrustful of the United States. What are the other reasons for this anger and mistrust?

W: 一方面美国媒体对中国很有偏见,他们的报道使美国人对中国有很多误解;另一方面,在美国有些人过分夸大中国的国力,想以此来证明他们的“中国威胁”论。你有没有看过一本书叫《中国可以说不》?

S: No, I haven't got a chance to read the book. But I have heard about it in many occasions. Was it written by some young Chinese intellectuals in 1996?

W: 对。这本书的作者常常会提出这样的问题:为什么美国媒体总是反对中国?为什么美国总是谴责中国和其他一些发展中国家侵犯人权?为什么美国每年要向台湾增加出售武器?

S: You think these are the background of this book?

W: 正是。在1999年中国驻南斯拉夫大使馆遭到北约轰炸全国各地先后举行了大规模的反美示威,这也 是跟上述情绪有关系。

S:  Despite of the ups and downs of the past and the above lingering contentious issues what do you think are the prospects for the Sino-American relationship in the future?

W: 两国虽然在意识形态、文化传统以及战略利益上存在着巨大的差别,但我们还是有很多共同利益可以发展,我们没有理由不保持合作关系,只有双赢的战略伙伴关系才会使双方共同受益。