
Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

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British Chinese Language Teaching Society

Institute for Chinese Studies

Oriental Institute

University of Oxford

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Institute for Chinese Studies, Oxford

Materials for interpreting and listening exercises

Science and technology   

Click the following boxes to start the exercises.

Interpreting                                                          Listening

First Chinese man in space [version 2] 中国发射第一艘载人太空船
Bush's Moon Mission 美两次"登月"之不同:竞赛变合作, 炫耀改探索
Young People's Gadgets 最酷IT小玩意点评
Which is more trustworthy, mainstream media or bloggers? 中国人读书率首次跌破50%
  英国首相府竟干黑客勾当  对有关媒体进行施压
  e 全欧洲推行的交通事故自动紧急呼救系统
  e 电子教材将可以在苹果的iPhoneiTouch上使用