Looking for work | 找工作 zhăo gōngzuò
We would like to recommend the following steps for each topic of these language exercises.
1. Read the relevant information for the topic by clicking on “Information page”
2. Learn the vocabulary and sentence patterns of the topic in the “Language exercises”
3. Learn the tasks of the individual roles by clicking on “Tasks for the role play” and select the roles A, B or C
4. Form a conversation with your language partner(s)
5. Check your conversation against the model version by clicking on “Two-track dialogue”. When you are on that web page, you and your language partners can play the model dialogue by controlling the "play" and "stop" buttons on the sound tracks.
6. Click on “Video clips of conversations” to watch the role plays that are made by the language instructors. Alternatively you can read through the questions in “Listening comprehensions”, then watch the video clips as listening exercises.