Multimedia Role Play for Chinese

Sentence patterns for booking a room in a hotel | 旅馆登记句型

Study the following sentence patterns.

  • 您能不能替我想想办法呢?Nín néng bùnéng tì wǒ xiǎngxiǎng bànfǎ ne? Could you please help me to solve the problem? [Begging]
  • 这样吧Zhèyàng ba How about this…[Making suggestions]

E.g. 你现在没有自行车,路又这么远。这样吧,你用我的自行车 吧。

  • 既然 Jìrán…jiù…If this is the casethen…(Conjunction]

E.g.  既然你没有时间,我找别人吧。

  • 要不的。...Yào bù...huì…de …, otherwise…[Conditional]

E.g.  你必须明天上午1200以前离开,要不有麻烦

  • 你要//应该先,才Nǐ yào/děi/yīnggāi xiān, cái…You have to/should firstonly then

E.g. 注册,然后能用我们的电脑。

  • 哪儿有的?Nǎr yǒu…de? Where is…[Asking for info. which is the format of V-O]

E.g. 哪儿有卖水果

  • 顺便问一下儿,Shùnbiàn wèn yīxiàr,…? By the way, could you tell me…[Changing subject in a coversation]
  • 回头见!Huítóu jiàn! See you later! [Similar to 一会儿 ]