1. Information page | 有关信息
This page provides the language information that you need in a Chinese airport.
Signs in airports
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
边防检查站 | biānfáng jiănchá zhàn | passport control |
出境 / 离港 | chū jìng / lí găng | departures (leaving country) |
入境 / 到达 | rù jìng / dào dá | arrivals (entering country) |
过境 | guò jìng | transit |
免税 | miănshuì | duty free |
海关 | hăi guān | customs |
报关 | bào guān | to declare (sth. at customs) |
外汇兑换 | wàihuì duìhuàn | bureau de change |
问询处 | wènxún chù | information desk |
行李领取处 | xínglĭ lĭngqŭ chù | luggage collection point |
(公用)电话 | (gōngyòng) diànhuà | public telephone |
航站 | háng zhàn | terminals |
Words commonly used in Chinese forms
姓名 | xìngmíng | full name |
性别 | xìngbié | sex |
国籍 | guójí | nationality |
籍贯 | jíguàn | country of origin |
出生年月 | chū shēng nián yuè | date of birth |
职业 | zhíyè | occupation |
护照有效期 | hùzhào yŏuxiào qī | passport expiry date |
逗留时间 | dòu liú shíjiān | duration of stay |
婚姻状况 | hūnyīn zhuàngkuàng | marital status |
签名 | qiān míng | signature |