1. Information page | 有关信息
This page provides the language information that you need in a Chinese shop or hospital.
Signs in shops
请勿入内 | qĭng wù rù nèi | please do not enter |
顾客止步 | gùkè zhĭbù | no entry (for customers) |
闲人莫入 | xiánrén mòrù | private |
咨询服务台 | zīxún fúwù tái | information desk |
收款处 | shōu kuăn chù | cash desk |
意见簿 | yìjiàn bù | customers' comment book |
由此上楼 | yóu cĭ shàng lóu | this way up |
禁止随地吐痰 | jìnzhĭ suídì tŭ tán | no spitting |
禁止照相 | jìnzhĭ zhào xiàng | no photography |
收据 | shōujù | receipt |
收费单 | shōufèi dān | receipt |
非常出口 | fēicháng chū kŏu | emergency exit |
太平门 | tàipíng mén | emergency exit |
自行车停放站 | zìxíng chē tíngfàng zhàn | bicycle park |
停车场 | tíng chē chăng | car park |
Signs in hospitals
挂号 | guà hào | registration |
门诊 | ménzhĕn | outpatient service, clinic |
内科 | nèikē | internal medicine department |
药房 | yàofáng | pharmacy |
透视(拍X光) | tòushì (pāi X guāng) | X-ray |
扫描 | săo miáo | scan |
化验 | huà yàn | laboratory test |
口服 | kŏu fú | to take orally |
孕妇 | yùnfù | pregnant woman |
忌用 | jì yòng | to avoid using |
Try to work out the meaning of the following instruction that is printed on a bottle of medicine tablets.
口服药品 饭前服用 每日三次 每次两片 孕妇忌用