Multimedia Role Play for Chinese

Sentence patterns for at a train station | 火车上及火车站句型

Study the following sentence patterns.


  • 买从 Place A Place B的单程/往返票 mǎi cóng place A dào place B de dān chéng/wǎngfǎn piào  To buy single/return tickets from place A to place B.

    E.g. 我要买从南京北京的往返票。

  • 再说 Zàishuō… In addition [This phrase gives additional information to a previous sentence. So there must be a sentence preceding 再说.]

E.g.  我生病了,不能去明天的晚会。再说,我听说那个晚会也没有很多人去,肯定没有意思。

  • 难道 nándào…ma?  Surely not... [This is a rhetorical question. lit. it is difficult to say that ...]

    E.g. 难道台湾学生不应该和大陆的一样待遇[In other words, Taiwan students must 

         be treated the same as students from Mainland China.]

  • sb.(出)来+ verb… Zhǎo sb. (chū) lái + verb… Ask sb. to do sth. In the dialogue with sb, [It is an aggressive way of talking. Use it carefully. The message you convey by using this expression very much depends on how you say it.]

E.g.  1. 你们站长说话。[Aggressive] 2. 你们经理谈谈。[Aggressive]

  • 你别唱(政治)高调了。Nǐ bié chàng zhèngzhì gāodiào le. [This is a fixed speech pattern. It originally came from the period of the Chinese Culture Revolution, which means that someone is quoting some well-known words from the authorities, e.g. the government, to indicate that the issue he/she is talking about should be very much concerned.]
  • +verb…Bié…le! Do not do…
  • 得到的待遇 Dédào…de dàiyù To obtain…treatment/allowance/ benefits
  • 不可 Fēi…bùkě have to do / absolutely must…

E.g. 我今天去南京不可

  • 真不够水平/水准Zhēn bú gòu shuǐpíng/shuǐzhŭn! [This is a fixed expression, which means sth. has not reached the standard level / is not up to the standard.]
  • 差一点 Chà yi diǎn…le. almost + verb/sv

E.g. 差一点忘了明天有考试。

  • 这样吧, Zhèyàng ba, …How about that... [It is used to give a suggestion...]
  • 哪里,还差得远呢… Nǎlǐ, hái chà de yuǎn ne. [This is a very modest way to say:] ‘I am not that good.’
  • Sth 不见了sth. bú jiàn le. Sth. is lost/cannot be found.
  • Sb.好好+ verb… sb. hǎohāo + verb…[It is commonly used in imperative sentence, which means] (you) should do sth. thoroughly.

E.g. 1. 好好找找。2. 好好看看。

  • …, 可是/但是 …dào…, kěshì/dànshì…[This speech pattern is similar to the conjunction ‘虽然但是…’ which means] ‘although...' actually…’

E.g. 不多,可是钱包里有信用卡,还有别的东西。

  • 您说这可怎么办呢?Nín shuō zhè kě zěnme bàn ne? What can I do?
  • Sb. sth.丢了/忘了 Sb. bǎ sth. diū le/wàng le…Sb. lost/forgot sth. [Pay attention to the use of the ‘’ construction.]
  • 扣除原票价 …% kòuchú yuán piàojià de…bǎi fēng zhī…Deduct …% of the original price
  • 那怎么行呢Nà zěnme xíng ne! This is impossible!
  • Sb. 不得不 do sth. Sb. bù dé bù do sth… Sb. has to do sth./ there is no alternative, but....

E.g. 不得不退了这张票。

  • sth. 退还给sb. Bǎ sth. tuìhuán gěi sb. Return sth. to sb. [Pay attention to the ‘construction.]