Multimedia Role Play for Chinese

Sentence patterns for booking and eating in a restaurant | 饭馆所用句型

Study the following sentence patterns.

  • 欢迎光临!请问您几位Huānyíng guānglín! Qǐngwèn nín jǐ wèi? Welcome!  How many people are there? [This expression is used in restaurants.]
  • 请给我找()…Qǐng gěi wǒ zhǎo (gè)... ba.  Please find me
  • Sb. 要赶Sb.Yào gǎn...  Sb. is going to catch+ train, bus, ferry

           E.g.  要赶三点的飞机/火车。

  • 来一个,再来一个Lái yīgè..., zàilái yīgè… I want…, and… [This speech pattern is used when ordering food in restaurants.]
  • 就要Jiù yào... le.  It is about to

           E.g. 就要下雨

  • 都齐了…dōu qí le.  (Everything) is here.

E.g.  您的菜都齐了

  • 结帐啊Jié zhàng aBill please! [lit. settle the bill please!]
  • 给你钱,零钱就不找了,作为小费吧Gěi nǐ qián, língqián jiù bù zhǎo le, zuòwéi xiǎofèi ba.  Here is the money. Do not need changes. The changes are for the tip.
  • 您有什么事Nín yǒu shé me shì? What do you want?/ What’s up ?
  • 我查一下…Wǒ chá yīxià…  I check

           E.g. 我查一下现在的定位情况。

  • /那要看…Zhè/nà yào kàn…  It depends on

E.g.  要看明天的天气情况。

  • 包括…bāokuò…   Sth. includes sth
  • 得另加/算钱 Děi lìng jiā/suàn qián   is additional [lit is counted in a different way.]

          E.g. 酒水得另加/算钱

  • 得先付定金吗Děi xiān fù dìngjīn ma?  Do I have to pay the deposit?
  • …, 要不… …,yào bù…    otherwise

          E.g. 你明天必须来,要不我会有麻烦。