Multimedia Role Play for Chinese

In a hospital | 在医院句型

Study the sentence patterns first, then do the excercises.

  • 我发烧了,可能得了重感冒。Wǒ fāshāo le, kěnéng déle zhòng gǎnmào. I got fever. Maybe I’ve got flu.
  • 从来没/Cónglái méi/bù… Never did/had…

E.g. 从来没来这个医院看过病。

  • 那你得在这个医院建一个病历。Nà nǐ děi zài zhège yīyuàn jiàn yī gè bìnglì. Then you have to register a doctor here. [建一个病历literally means that to set up a personal medical file.]
  • 请先量一量体温Qǐng xiān liàng yī liàng tǐwēn. Please (let me) measure your body temperature.
  • 发烧三十八度五!你还有哪儿不舒服?/你还有什么地方不舒服?Fāshāo sān shí bā dù wǔ! Nǐ hái yǒu nǎr bú shūfú?/Nǐ hái yǒu shé me dìfāng bú shūfú? Your body temperature is 38.5. Where else do you find uncomfortable?
  • Sb. 觉得呼吸(有点儿)困难 Sb. juéde hūxī (yǒudiǎnr) kùnnán. Sb. feels it is hard to breathe.
  • 以前是不是也有过类似的症状?Yǐqián shì bùshì yěyǒu guò lèisì de zhèngzhuàng? In the past, did you have the similar symptom?
  • Sb. 很难确定sth. Sb.hěn nán quèdìng. Sb. feels hard to say…

E.g. 现在我还很难确定你得了什么病。

  • 你明天早饭以前来验一下儿血,拍个X光。Nǐ míngtiān zǎofàn yǐqián lái yàn yīxià ér xuè, pāi gè X guāng. You come here to have a blood test and take an X-ray tomorrow before breakfast.
  • Sb. sb. Sb. gěi sb. kāi… yào. Sb. gives sb. a prescription.

E.g. 我今天先点儿中

  • Sb. 保证Sb. bǎozhèngSb. guarantee …

E.g. 保证你会睡个好觉!

  • 我不能给你开一些不必要的药。Wǒ bùnéng gěi nǐ kāi yīxiē bù bìyào de yào. I cannot give any unnecessary medicines.
  • Sth. 起不了作用Sth. qǐ bùliǎo…zuòyòng. Sth. does not function well. or sth. does not work properly. [It especially applies medicines.]

     E.g. 如果你得的是一种病毒性感冒,抗生素是起不了作用的。