Multimedia Role Play for Chinese

Sentence patterns for Asking direction and hiring a car | 问方向和租车句型

Study the following sentence patterns first.

  • 请问到somewhere应该坐几路公共汽车?Qǐngwèn dào somewhere yīnggāi zuò jǐ lù gōnggòng qìchē? Which bus should I take to go to…

E.g. 请问到南京路应该坐几路公共汽车

  • 先坐No.路公共汽车到somewhere,再换/No.路到somewhere下车Xiān zuò … lù gōnggòng qìchē dào ..., zài huàn/dăo… lù, dào ... xià chē. First take…bus to somewhere, then change to bus… and get off somewhere.

E.g. 先坐13.路公共汽车到和平路,再换41长城路下车

  • 不清楚的话再问人吧!Bù qīngchu dehuà zài wèn rén ba! If you are not sure, please ask someone then. [is short for the if clause.]
  • 请问到somewhere怎么走?离这儿远吗?Qǐngwèn dào somewhere zěnme zǒu? Lí zhèr yuǎn ma? How do I go to…? Is it far from here?
  • 南京路离这儿不远,过了马路,西,到红绿灯那儿,再往然后再一直往前走,左边的第三个路口儿就是南京路。Nánjīng lù lí zhèr bù yuǎn, guò le mǎlù, wǎngzǒu, dào hónglǜdēng nàr, zài wǎng yòu guǎi, ránhòu zài yīzhí wǎng qián zǒu, zuǒbiān de dì sān gè lùkǒu er jiùshì nánjīng lù. Nanjing Road is not far from here. Cross the road, head towards the west. Turn right at the traffic light. Then go straight, the third road on the left is the Nanjing Road.
  • 想不起来叫什么名字了Xiǎng bù qǐlái…jiào shénme míngzì le. I cannot remember what it is called.

E.g. 想不起来那个商店叫什么名字了

  • 你找错地方了! Nǐ zhǎo cuò dìfāng le! You are in the wrong place!
  • 请问,在哪儿有出租汽车?Or在哪儿可以打车/的? Qǐngwèn, zài nǎr yǒu chūzū qìchē? Or zài nǎer kěyǐ dǎchē/dǎ dī? Excuse me, where can I get a taxi?
  • direction走五分钟就到了Wǎng ... zǒu wǔ fēnzhōng jiù dàole. Walk 5 minutes towards…
  • 租一辆汽车需要多少钱呢?您要用车的时间多长?Zū yī liàng qìchē xūyào duōshǎo qián ne? Nín yào yòng chē de shíjiān duō zhǎng? How much does it cost to hire a car? How long will you hire for?
  •  包括/不包括 …Bāokuò/bù bāokuò… including/excluding
  • 填一张表 Tián yī zhāng biǎo Fill in a form
  • …()押金 Fù...(De) yājīn Pay…deposit

E.g. 你得付300块的押金。

  • 我应该最晚什么时候把车还回来呢?Wǒ yīnggāi zuì wǎn shénme shíhou bǎ chē huán huílái ne? When shall I return the car at the latest?
  • 这车是否有汽车急修服务呢?Zhè chē shìfǒu yǒu qìchē jí xiū fúwù ne? Does the hire-car come with the emergency service?