Multimedia Role Play for Chinese

Sentence patterns for looking for a job | 找工作句型

Study the sentence patterns before doing the excercises.

  • 招聘 zhāopìn… … is hiring …

     E.g.  请问,您这儿是不是要招聘英语老师?

  • 我们公司正式聘用/录用你。Or:你会被我们公司聘用/录用。Wǒmen gōngsī zhèngshì pìnyòng/lùyòng nǐ. Or: Nǐ huì bèi wǒmen gōngsī pìnyòng/lùyòng. Our company will employ you. Or: You will be employed by our company.
  •  Sb. 有过的经历 Sb. yǒu guò de jīng ... Sb. has experience of…

     E.g. 有过教英语的经历

  • 英语作为第二语言的教学 Yīngyǔ zuòwéi dì èr yǔyán de jiàoxué. Teaching English as a foreign language.
  • 第一周是试用期,如果你教得好,你可以在我们这儿得到 一个正式的职位。Dì yīzhōu shì shìyòng qí, rúguǒ nǐ jiào de hǎo, nǐ kěyǐ zài wǒmen zhèr dédào yīgè zhèngshì de zhíwèi. The first week is a trial. If you have taught well, you can get a formal position here.
  •  Sb. 是什么水平?Sb. Shì shénme shuǐpíng? What is the level of sb.? 
  • 老师准备教材。Lǎoshī zhǔnbèi jiàocái. Teachers prepare the materials. 
  • Sb. sb. 介绍一下 Sb. gěi sb. jièshào yīxià... Sb. is going to introduce sb. sth.

      E.g. 你们班同学介绍一下你。

  • 我曾经去过美国很多次。Wǒ céngjīng qù guò měiguó hěnduō cì. I have been to America several times.
  •  Sb. somewhere 任教。Sb. lái somewhere rènjiào. Sb. comes to somewhere to teach.

      E.g. 英国任教。

  • 断断续续地Duànduànxùxù de… guò... Do sth. on and off.

      E.g. 我曾经断断续续地一年多英语。

  • 你一个礼拜可以教多少个课时?Or:  你一个星期可以教多少节课?Nǐ yīgè lǐbài kěyǐ jiào duōshǎo gè kèshí? Or: Nǐ yīgè xīngqí kěyǐ jiào duōshǎo jié kè? How many hours can you teach per week? 
  • somewhere看到Zài somewhere kàn dào... I saw…on/in…

     E.g. 网上看到招聘翻译的消息。

  • 我对这份工作很有兴趣,请问工作的具体内容是什么呢?Wǒ duì zhè fèn gōngzuò hěn yǒu xìngqù, qǐngwèn gōngzuò de jùtǐ nèiróng shì shénme ne? I am very much interested in this job. Could you tell me more about the job in detail? [具体内容 literally means concrete content.]
  • 你的工作量大概是Nǐ de gōngzuò liàng dàgài shì... Your workload is approximately…

E.g. 你的工作量大概是平均每天翻译10页左右的文字。