Looking for a job 2A |
找 工 作 / 面 试 (面 谈) 2
Looking for a job & going to a job interview [Part 2]
A is a British student in Taipei who is looking for a job at an English language school
B is the director of Number Three Taipei Continuation School
Tasks for A, a British student in Taipei
Make the conversation as realistic as possible by greeting each other at the beginning and by using small talk. Try to anticipate the flow of the conversation by looking at the following prompts.
- (Conversation is based on Advertisement 2.) Ring Number Three Taipei Continuation School and Ask B is he or she has read the C.V. that you sent to him or her earlier.
- Tell B that you have not lived in the USA but you have visited many times.
- Tell B that although you are not an expert on American English, you have experience (经历jīnglì N) of teaching the language.
- Tell B that you have taught beginners (初学者 chūxué zhĕ N) as well as advanced students, and oral classes as well as writing classes.
- Tell B that you can manage 4 hours a week.
- Ask B when you will know if you have got the job.