Lesson two Drinking (part one)

Week one 我不会喝酒;有没有桔子水

Learn the following two sentences

1. Wǒ bú  huì           hē      jiǔ
    I      not  capable drink  alcohol
2. Yǒu   méi you    júzi       shuĭ?
    have  not  have orange water

Play Media  I don't drink (alcohol)?

Play Media   Do you have orange juice?

New words

Huì Play Media to be capable of (doing something) It is used as a model verb in a sentence. The model verb Huì  is placed before a main verb. For example, Huì hē jiǔ capable of drinking alcoholic drinks. Sometimes this expression of Huì hē jiǔ implies that someone is able to take a large quantity of alcohol.
Play Media   

to drink It is used as a main verb in a sentence.

J Play Media   

Wine, alcoholic drinks

Méi   Play Media    not It is a negation like bù, but méi is a negation for actions in the past. For example wǒ méi hē jiǔ I didn’t drink wine.
Yǒu méi you Play Media yǒu to have This verb can only take the negation méi and bu is never used with yǒu, even when talking about actions that take place at the present. The expression of yǒu méi you is used to form a choice type question. Bù can also be used in the same way. For example,  nĭ hē bu hē jiǔ would you like to have some (alcoholic) drink? Of course, one can also say nĭ hē jiǔ ma.
Júzi Play Media orange
Shuĭ   Play Media   water, juice  Shuĭ can be placed after a name of fruit to from a noun of a type of fruit juice.

Supplementary words

The following nouns can be placed in front of other nouns to make a noun phrase, e.g. Zhōngguó chá Chinese tea. In the same way, the word pínguǒ can be placed in front of another noun to form a noun phrase. For example, pínguǒ  jiǔ cider (lit. apple alcohol)                         


Play Media   Apple
Chá Play Media Tea

Use the following word-order-table to form sentences

In the word-order-table below, the words in black are nouns and pronouns which are often used as subjects or objects of sentences. the words in red are verbs (or doing words) and the words in blue are adverbs and model verbs which often appear before verbs and the words in green are adjectives or adjectival phrases which are used to modify nouns, and they are placed before nouns in sentences.

How do you say "I like you"; "He eats Chinese food"; "What dishes do you like"; "What does he like";  "She eats French food"; "I like eating Chinese food"; "Eat less British food"; "Eat more Chinese food"?

Word order
subject (nouns and pronouns) adverbs and modal verbs verbs description of objects object (nouns and pronouns)

  I, me Duō  (to be) more, many, much               Chī   to eat   Júzi   orange
    you Shăo (to be) less, few

Hē   to drink

Shénme  what J  wine
Tā    he, him; she, her Xĭhuān   like Xĭhuān   like   Júzishuĭ   orange juice
    Yǒu méi you  to have or not have    


Listening to the following sentences by clicking on the following links. Hover the mouse over "Answer" to view the answers.


Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer


Now you should be able to say the following sentences in Chinese


He doesn't drink (alcohol and give him) some orange juice to drink Play Media
Do you have French wine? French wine is nice to drink. [Use verb bu verb speech pattern] Play Media
I'm having Chinese tea. What would you like to drink? Play Media
Do you drink cider? [Use verb bu verb speech pattern] Play Media
He doesn't eat Chinese food. I won't cook Chinese. Play Media
The oranges are not nice to eat. I'll have some apple. Play Media