Lesson two Drinking (part one)

Week two 别喝得太多了

Learn the following sentence

Bié       hē     de tài  duō    le
Do not drink de too much le

Play Media  Don't drink too much.

New words


Play Media    do not
De Play Media   

De is a verbal particle which is placed after a verb to introduce the outcome of an action. For example bié hē de tài duō le don’t drink too much. The adverbial part of the sentence too much is the outcome of drinking. Chinese word order often reflects the  sequence of actions.  the word order of the above sentence indicates that the action of drinking happens before having too much.

Tài…le Play Media   

tài means excessively Together with the end-of-sentence le is to indicates the excessiveness. If the negation bù is placed before tài, then  end-of-sentence le is not used, as it is no longer in an excessive situation.  For example wǒ hē de bú tài duō I didn’t drink too much. The Chinese word order of this sentence is I drank not too much.

Supplementary words

Zuò Play Media to do
Shuō Play Media to speak
...wén Play Media ...language
Hĕn Play Media very


Wén can be preceded by mono syllabic nouns of country names such as Yīng, Zhōng or Fă to form the words of English, Chinese or French languages.

Hĕn very can be placed before an adjective to form an adverbial phrase , for example nĭ shuō de hĕnhăo you spoke very  well.


Listening to the following sentences by clicking on the following links. Hover the mouse over "Answer" to view the answers.

Use the word-order-table to say the following sentences in Chinese.

You don't eat Chinese food; I have eaten too much; you haven't cooked enough; he has drunk too much; Don't cook too much food; You made it too delicious and I have eaten too much; I'll cook a little less.

Word order
subject (nouns and pronouns) object (nouns and pronouns) adverbs and modal verbs verbs description of actions
   I Zhège   this one bié   don't chī   to eat de tài  ........... le too    you Nàge   that one   hē to drink      he, she Fàn   cooked rice, meal


    Shénme   what Cài    green vegetable, dishes of food      


You can bring a topic at the beginning of a sentence and make a comment afterwards. For example, wǒ fàn chī de tài duō le I have eaten too much rice. fàn  rice is the topic and chī de tài duō le eaten too much is the comment on rice.


Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
Play Media   Answer
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