Chinese Multimedia

Lesson 12

Video and text
Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises


Question: Tell your friend Xiao Wang that Mr. Wang has asked you to come and help him with his grammar exercises.

Hint 1 Hint 1   Use 请 or 让
Hint 2 Hint 2   Pay attention to the sequence of actions
Comments Answer  王 先 生 让 我 来 帮 你 作 语 法 练 习 。 Listen
Comments Comments  Alternatively: 王 先 生 请 我 来 帮 你 作 语 法 练 习
Wáng xiānsheng qĭng wŏ lái bāng nĭ zuò yǔfă liànxí. Note that 问 wèn ask is followed by a direct or indirect question as in 昨 天 小 王 问 我 想 不 想 去酒 馆 zuótiān Xiăo Wáng wèn wŏ  xiăng bu xiăng qù jiǔguăn Xiao Wang asked me yesterday if I would like to go to a pub or 昨 天 小 王 问 我: "你 想 不 想 去 酒 馆" zuótiān Xiăo Wáng wèn wŏ: "nĭ xiăng bu xiăng  qù jiǔguăn" Xiao Wang asked me yesterday: "Do you want to go to a pub?". In both these sentences 想 不 想 去 酒 馆 xiăng bu xiăng qù jiǔguăn could stand as a question on its own. On the other hand, 请 qĭng and 让 ràng can be used to ask somebody for a favour or to ask someone to do something, as in 我 请 你 给 我 介 绍 一 个 女 朋 友 qĭng nĭ gěi wŏ jièshào yí ge nǚ péngyou  I'm asking you to find a girlfriend for me. The aspectual marker 了le is not used after the three verbs 问 wèn, 让 ràng and 请 qĭng meaning to "ask" as they are all followed here by direct or indirect speech.
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