Lesson 13
Video and text
Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises
Question: Tell your friend you have been waiting at home for
his phone call for 3 hours.
1 The time measure 3 hours should be placed after the verb 等
Hint 2 To be at home is a co-verb phrase and should be placed before the verb 等
Answer 我 在 家 等 你 电 话 等 了 三 个 小 时 了 。 Listen
Comments Adverbs of time are normally placed before verbs. However, a time measure should be placed after a verb in an affirmative sentence. The aspectual
marker 了should be placed after a verb. The 了le at the end of the above sentence brings the action up to the present. It implies that the speaker is still waiting. Without the 了
le at the end of the sentence, the meaning is that the action took place in the past. For instance, 我 学 了 一 年 中 文 了
wŏ xué le yì
nián Zhōngwén le I have been learning Chinese for a year implies that the speaker is still learning Chinese. Without the 了
le at the end of the sentence the meaning changes: 我 学 了 一 年 中 文
wŏ xué le yì
nián Zhōngwén
I learnt Chinese for a year. This implies that the speaker is not learning Chinese at present.