Chinese Multimedia

Lesson 2

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Questioning image Question: Tell a friend that your teacher, Mr. Wang is a good friend of yours.

Hint 1 Hint 1   Linking verb 是 is used
Hint 2 Hint 2   好 can be placed in front of 朋 友 to form a noun phrase
Comments Answer  王 老 师 是 我 的 好 朋 友 。 Listen
Comments Comments  Alternatively: 王 老 师 和 我 是 好 朋 友
Wáng lăoshī hé wŏ shì hăo péngyou Mr. Wang and I are good friends. 是 shì to be is followed by a noun or a noun phrase, 小 王 是 汉 语 老 师 Xiăo Wáng shì hànyǔ lăoshī Xiao Wang is a Chinese language teacher. 好 hăo is placed in front of a noun to form the noun phrase 好 老 师 hăo lăoshī good teacher.
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