Chinese Multimedia

Lesson 4

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Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises
Multiple choice


Questioning image Question: Tell your friend that you will go to the canteen to have your lunch after the lesson.

Hint 1 Hint 1   以 后
Hint 2 Hint 2   以 后 should be placed after 下 课
Comments Answer  下 课 以 后 我 去 食 堂 吃 饭 。 Listen
Comments Comments  Alternatively: 我下 课 以 后 去 食 堂 吃 饭
wŏ xià kè yĭhòu qù shítáng chī fàn. The time clause下 课 以 后 xià kè yĭhòu can either be placed before the subject of a sentence or before the verb. If 以 后 yĭhòu is placed after a noun or phrase to form a time clause, it defines a time after the action indicated by the noun or phrase, as in: 午 饭 以 后 wǔfàn yĭhòu after having lunch. However, if 以 后 yĭhòu is placed at the beginning of a phrase and used as a time word, it means later, in the future as in 以 后 我 想 去 中 国 yĭhòu wŏ xiăng qù Zhōngguó later I would like to go to China.
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