Lesson 4
Video and text
Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises
Multiple choice
Question: Tell your friend that your Chinese grammar is not
very good.
1 不 太 is used
Hint 2 不 太 好
Answer 我 的 语 法 不 太 好 。 Listen
Alternatively: 我 的 语 法 不 怎 么 好
wŏ de yǔfă bù zěnme hăo. Or 我 的 语 法 不 很 好
wŏ de yǔfă bù hěn hăo. The affirmative
form of the 太
tài pattern is 太(stative verb)了
tài(stative verb)le, which means
extremely (stative verb) as in 太 好 了
tài hăo le extremely good.
The negative form of this pattern is 不太(stative verb)
bú tài(stative verb)
without 了le, which means that something is
not very (stative verb), as in 不 太 好
bú tài hăo
not very good, 我 不 太 忙
wŏ bú tài máng I am not very busy.