Lesson 6
Video and text
Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises
Multiple choice
Question: Tell your friend that you want to show him the book
that you borrowed yesterday.
1 Use the verb 给
Hint 2
Remember the sequence of action: things that happen first should
be placed first in the sentence
Answer 我 给 你 看 我 昨 天 借 的 书 。 Listen
Alternatively you can duplicate the main verb 看
kàn to soften your tone of voice by
saying: 我 给 你 看 看 我 昨 天 借 的 书
wŏ gěi nĭ kànkan wŏ zuótiān jiè de shū.
Sequence is very important when you describe actions, as the word
order usually corresponds to the sequence of the actions. This
means that the thing that happens first should appear first in the
sentence, as demonstrated above. 给
gěi is used as a co-verb in this
sentence, and means to give. A co-verb clause is formed by a
co-verb plus noun or pronoun, as in 给 你
gěi nĭ in the above sentence.