Chinese Multimedia

Lesson 7

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Question: The closest meaning to 你看,这套房子怎么样啊 [nĭ kàn, zhè tào fángzi zĕnmeyàng] is

Hints: 你看,怎么样 what do you think of
1 你怎么看这套房子 how would  you like to look at this house? 2 你看这套房子好不好 what do you think of this house?  3 你看不看这套房子do you want to look at this house? 你看,这套房子怎么样啊 what do you think of this house? 你看怎么样 nĭ kànzĕnmeyàng what do you think? Or what is your opinion?

Choose the answer
你怎么看这套房子 [nĭ zĕnme kàn zhè tào fángzi]
你看这套房子好不好 [nĭ kàn, zhè tào fángzi hăo bu hăo]
你看不看这套房子 [nĭ kàn bu kàn zhè tào fángzi]