Chinese Multimedia

Lesson 8

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Grammar exercises
Multiple choice


Question: Tell a child that if he does not finish doing his exercises he is not allowed to eat.

Hint 1 Hint 1   The resultative complement 完 is used in the first clause
Hint 2 Hint 2   Use 就 in the second clause
Comments Answer  你 不 作 完 练 习 就 不 能 吃 饭 。 Listen
Comments Comments  Alternatively: 要 是 你 不 作 完 练 习 就 不 能 吃 饭
yàoshi nǐ bú zuò wán liànxí jiù bù néng chī fàn. The clause that begins with 要 是 yàoshi is the condition, and the 就 jiù clause is the consequence of the condition. In colloquial Chinese 要 是 yàoshi is often omitted, as in 你 不 作 完 练 习 就 不 能 吃 饭 nǐ bú zuò wán liànxí jiù bù néng chī fàn.
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