Lesson 9
Video and text
Listening and speaking
Grammar exercises
Multiple choice
Question: Tell your friend that you spend every afternoon in
the library reading.
1 每 天 下 午
Hint 2 都 is often placed before the verb in a sentence containing 每
Answer 我 每 天 下 午 都 在 图 书 馆 看 书 。 Listen
Comments Alternatively: 我 天 天 下 午 都 在 图 书 馆 看 书
wǒ tiāntiān xiàwǔ dōu zài túshū guǎn kàn shū.
Generally, 每
měi every should be followed by a
measure word, as in 每 个 人
měi ge rén
every person. However, 天
tiān day is like 年
nián year, and does not need a measure word, because it combines the functions of noun and measure word: 每 天
měi tiān
every day; 每 年
měi nián every year. In Chinese 每
měi is often followed by the adverb 都
all, because the meaning of every implies that there is more than one item.