FDTL 46/99

Chinese language skills for Britain: dissemination of best practice

Notes & Exercises

Guide for Teachers

Guide for Students

Sentence patterns
Reading practice


Reading Week 2

Based on an article taken from Guangming Daily .The underlined words in the passage are the names of people or places not listed in the Vocabulary section. Look them up in your dictionary.

今年,中国政府大的反毒品运动日前公安部贾春旺部长的领导云南 大理 开始 进行 。

中午1点钟,上万名群众来到会场,贾春旺部长作讲话并且表示政府在反毒品运动上下决心。 部长讲话以后, 云南公安局负责人公开 宣布立刻逮捕16罪犯 。


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