FDTL 46/99

Chinese language skills for Britain: dissemination of best practice

Notes & Exercises

Guide for Teachers

Guide for Students

Sentence patterns
Reading practice



Reading Week 7

Translate the following passage into English.

  • Red: main sentence constructions (Try to translate the sentences in red first.)

  • ___:main verbs

  • Green: marker for nouns

  • Blue: time words

  • Purple: co-verb clause

  • Olive: adverb

  • Ls sound files for the main sentence construction

  • Ll sound files for the whole sentence

1996217 5玩耍时不慎五楼楼顶失足地上,李父母赶快送往新野县人民医院抢救输入了新野县血站提供400CC血液Ls Ll  328李某发烧再次该院复诊高烧不退331转院至南阳市中心医院传染科治疗Ls Ll     42,南阳市中心医院李某进行血液检验结果发现其艾滋病病毒抗体阳性医院出于慎重,次日父母进行了艾滋病病毒抗体检测结果阴性Ls Ll 同年9国家指定艾滋病检测实验室确认李某确实感染上HIV病毒艾滋病病毒)。李父母几乎这沉重打击击垮Ls Ll

Guangming Daily 20001024

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