FDTL 46/99 |
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Sentence Patterns - Reading Week 9
xiàng 向used as a co-verb (9)
When 向is used as a co-verb, it means towards, to or from. 向 is followed by a noun or a noun clause to form a co-verb clause. For instance:
中 国 人要 出 国 |
可 以 向 公 安 局 |
申 请 护 照。 |
When Chinese people want to go abroad, they can apply for passports from the Public Security Bureau.
如果 |
你 |
有问题 |
可以 |
向她 |
请教 |
如果你有问题可以向她请教。 |
毛泽东 |
说 |
向雷锋同志 |
学习 |
毛泽东说向雷锋同志学习。 |
jù 据 (據) (9)
据 is short for 根据, and is followed by a verb such as:
据信 lit. according to what was believed. It was believed…
据说 lit. according what was said. It was said…
据透露 lit. according what was disclosed. It was revealed…
据报 lit. according to what was reported. It was reported…
Write down the English translation of the following words and phrases in the boxes below.
据 |
有关消息 |
透露 |
中国的 |
人均生活水平 |
还是低于 |
很多发达国家 |
据有关消息透露中国的人均生活会平还是低于很多发达国家。 |
据说 |
中国 |
要加入世贸组织了 |
因此 |
现在 |
学中文的 |
人 |
也多了 |
据说中国要加入世贸组织了,因此现在学中文的人也多了。 |
据 |
报道 |
现在 |
英国人去香港 |
也要申请签证了 |
据报道现在英国人去香港也要申请签证了。 |
wèi 未 (9)
未means not yet, and it is similar to (还) 没 有. 未 is used in written Chinese, and it is followed by a verb, modal verb or co-verb. For instance:
中 国 |
还 未 加 入 世 贸 组 织。 |
China has not joined the WTO yet.
Write down the English translation of the following words and phrases in the boxes below.
未经许可 |
不准 |
入内 |
未经许可不准入内。 |
yīn…ér…因…而… (9)
The 因…而… construction is used in written Chinese. It is similar to 因 为… 所 以 … The 因 clause is followed by a clause which expresses a cause or reason, while 而 is followed by a clause which express an outcome. For instance:
他 们 因 传 播 反 华 言 论 |
而 被 捕。 |
They were arrested because they had been making anti-China speeches.
Write down the English translation of the following words and phrases in the boxes below.
他 |
因 |
不能完成任务 |
而 |
感到羞愧 |
他因不能完成任务而感到羞愧。 |
中国 |
因 |
人口迅速增加 |
而 |
不得不采取 |
全国性的 |
计划生育政策 |
中国因人口迅速增加而不得不采取全国性的计划生育政策。 |
…zé …则 (9)
- 则 is used as an adverb meaning but, on the other hand, and is often placed before a verb or adverb in the second clause of a sentence to indicate a contrast between the preceding and the following. 则 is often seen in written language. For instance:
有的人很努力, |
有的则很不认真. |
Some work hard and some are lighthearted in work.
他们想要一所房子, |
我们则宁愿住一套房间. |
They want a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat.
- 则 also means then, and is often placed before a verb in the second clause of a sentence to indicate an outcome of action. 则 is often seen in four character expressions. For instance:
不 进 |
则 退 |
If one does not move forwards, then by implication one will move backwards.
Write down the English translation of the following words and phrases in the boxes below.
少则 |
几年 |
多则 |
几十年 |
中国 |
会赶上 |
许多发达国家的 |
经济 |
少则几年,多则几十年中国会赶上许多发达国家的经济。 |
zhèng + V 正 + V ( 9)
正 (在) is placed before a verb to indicate that an action is under way. The progressive construction takes the following forms.
S |
(正)(在) V |
O (呢) |
我 们 |
正 学 习 |
汉 语 呢。 |
我 们 |
在 学 习 |
汉 语 呢 。 |
我 们 |
正 在 学 习 |
汉 语。 |
We are learning Chinese.
Write down the English translation of the following words and phrases in the boxes below.
中国 |
正在实现 |
四个现代化 |
中国正在实现四个现代化。 |
英法两国 |
正筹备 |
欧洲快反部队的 |
建设 |
英法两国正筹备欧洲快反部队的建设。 |
qĭ 起used as a measure word (9)
起 is a measure word for events and law cases. (For notes on measure words see Lesson 2)
Write down the English translation of the following words and phrases in the boxes below.
89年 |
在天安门广场发生的 |
那起事件 |
引起了 |
世界的 |
关注 |
89年在天安门广场发生的那起事件引起了世界的关注。 |
去年 |
公安局 |
解决了 |
100多起大案件 |
去年公安局解决了100多起大案件。 |
Reading Tips
Real structure of Political Power in People’s Republic of China (9)
* Members of Standing Committee of Politbureau of CCCPC
zhōngguó gòngchăndăng zhōngyāng wĕiyuánhuì zhèngzhìjú chángwù wĕiyuánhuì 中 国 共 产 党 中 央 委 员 会 政治局 常 务 委 员 会 Standing Committee of Politbureau of CCCPC [Its常委members * have important posts in major departments of government] |
中 国 共 产 党 中 央 委 员 会 政治局 Politbureau of CCCPC |
中 央 军事 委 员 会 Central Military Commission (CMC) |
zhōngguó gòngchăndăngzhōng yāng wĕi yuánhuì 中 国 共 产 党 中 央 委 员 会 Central Committee of Communist Party of China (CCCPC) 总书记General Secretary* |
全 国 人 民 代 表 大 会 常 务 委 员 会 Standing Committee of NPC |
qúanguó rénmín dàibiăo dà huì 全 国 人 民 代 表 大会 National People’s Congress (NPC) 委员长Chairman* |
qúanguó zhèngzhì xiéshāng chángwù wĕiyuánhuì 全国 政 治 协 商 常 务 委 员 会 Standing Committee of CPPCC |
qúanguó zhèngzhì xiéshāng wĕiyuánhuì 全国 政 治 协商 委 员 会 Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) 主席Chairman * [Many members are influential non-communists, such as: famous intellectuals; millionaires from HK or Macao; and leaders of other political parties.] |
Real Executive Power in People’s Republic of China
guó wùyuàn 国 务 院 State Council 总理Premier* [Vice Premiers and State Councillors are in charge of China’s major ministries.] |
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