FDTL 46/99 |
Chinese language skills for Britain: Disseminating Best Practice |
Sentence Patterns - Reading Week 4
经 is short for 经 过 AS A RESULT OF (Lit. TO GO THROUGH, PASS). It is similar to another expression 通 过 tōngguò. The elements which are followed by 经or经 过can be verbs, nouns, or nouns with attributives. Usually these elements or phrases imply sustained actions.
A经or 经 过 clause is often followed by a clause which contains the main verb of the sentence:
经过… |
S |
V O |
经过 努力, |
去年 他 |
写 完 了 一本 小说 。 |
as a result of effort, |
last year he |
write completed a BEN novel |
After much hard work, he completed his novel last summer.
经过… |
S |
V O |
经 过 两 年 的 运 动 , |
人 民 群 众 |
了 解 了 政 府 的 想 法。 |
经 过 17个 星 期 的努 力 , |
我 们 现在 |
能 看 中 文 报 纸 了 。 |
Without 经 过 clause the above sentences will be:
搞 了 两 年 运 动 以 后, |
人 民 群 众 |
了 解 了 政 府 的 想 法。 |
努 力 了 17个 星 期 以 后 , |
我 们 现在 |
能 看 中 文 报 纸 了 。 |
It means TO (THIS)… The 对 clause is used as a co-verb clause in sentences to bring a topic before the verb. Modal verbs such as 应该, 能are placed before the 对clause. For instance:
S |
对 topic |
V O |
我们 |
应该 对 不 好 的 作风 |
进行 一 场 政治 运动 |
we |
should DUI no good DE practice |
carry out a CHANG political movement |
We should launch a political campaign to oppose unhealthy work practice.
该 means THE ABOVE MENTIONED, THE AFOREMENTIONED. It is often followed by a noun. For instance,
云南 大 学 | 进 行了一 场 反 毒 品 运 动, | 该 校 老 师和 学 生 都 … |
Yunnan university | carried out a chang anti-drug campaign, | The aforementioned university’s teachers and students all… |
Yunnan University carried out an anti-drug campaign. The teachers and students of the aforementioned university are...
中 国 学 生 |
都 申 请 了 学 生 签 证 。 |
持 该 签 证 者 |
在 英 国 不 准 许 工 作。 |
很 多 群 众 |
都 反 对 政 府 的 运 动 。 |
他 们 说 |
该 运 动 是 害 国 害 民 的 运 动。 |
It means BOTH... AND / AS WELL AS
The clauses in the 既... 也 ... construction are normally parallel in sense. 既 and 也 are placed before verbs or stative verbs.
既 |
也 |
我们学 的 东西 既不好 学 , |
学了以后 也不能 用。 |
we studied DE thing JI not easy study, |
studied after YE cannot use |
The things which we learned were not very easy; we cannot even use them after learning them.
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