Pinyin Pronunciation for Mandarin
Click here for the notes on Pinyin pronunciation
Level One
These sections use audio, pronunciation descriptions, and images to remind you of the sound of Pinyin. It is important to remember the images while you are learning Pinyin, as they will help you to remember the pronunciation. When you reach Level two you can abandon the “repeat after me” learning method and take the initiative by producing the sounds yourself. Then you can click on the words to check the sound. This way, you will learn Pinyin more actively.
Level Two
Look at the images before clicking on the Pinyin to hear the correct pronunciation. This is designed to encourage you to say the pronunciation before you hear the audio. If the mouse is placed on a Pinyin the English translation will pop up on your screen.
Level Three
Now you are at a higher level. Try to say these words before clicking on the words. It is always a good idea to differentiate similar-sounding words carefully. There are many homophones in Chinese, so although the words in these tables have translations, it is not important to learn them at this level. There may be other meanings for that sound, though the characters will be different. But if you think knowing the meaning of a word will help you to remember the sound, you can place your mouse on the word, and a small window with the English translation will appear.
Level Four
Multi-syllabic words and phrases with tone changes: These sections consist of explanations and exercises for tone changes (especially for the third tone) in multi-syllabic pronunciation. Translations are given for the words and phrases used, and can be seen by placing (but not clicking) your mouse on the Pinyin. Try to say the words and phrases out loud before clicking.