Third year language assignments for MT 2009

Click here to see the language teaching plan for this term

Place the mouse on the letters in the first column to view the topics. The newspaper translation and reading comprehension exercises will be posted onto the Assignments area of the WebLearn site.

Topics Prose composition Interpreting Listening comprehension

China ready to take lead in war on global warming


Fossil fuels

Global Warming
W2 Italians bribed the Taleban all over Afghanistan, say officials Vocab

War and Peace

意大利官方辟谣 否认曾贿赂塔利班寻求安全
W3 Postal strike: Gordon Brown says strike is 'self-defeating' Vocab


W4 Sir Christopher Kelly reforms ‘could create Commons of the rich’ Vocab

Corruption in China

W5 Council spied on family over school catchment area, hearing told Higher Education
W6 Facing the frenemy Vocab

Internet Addiction

W7 Hop on to public transport Public Transport  
W8 How the Nazis tried to take Christ out of Christmas Religion