Third year language assignments for MT 2011

Click here to see the language teaching plan for this term

< The reading assignments should be submitted on WebLearn

Topics Reading Prose composition Interpreting Listening comprehension


Chinese vice president urges Tibetans to follow Party line to build better future

An interview of Liu Xiaobo by ABC News W1 Listening
W2   UK government 'failing' on wildlife and countryside commitments Wildlife Conservation W2 Listening
W3 法英对利比亚外交攻势不减 You can't blame Gaddafi for thinking he was one of the good guys Would Western democracy ensure world peace? W3 Listening
W4   Occupy London protest issues demands to democratise City of London Vocab

Disparity between rich and poor
W4 Listening
W5 中国学者呼吁放弃“一胎化”政策 China's One-Child Policy.

China baby-trafficking ring is shut down

The One Child Policy W5 Listening

Malaysian states to punish homosexuality

Homosexuality W6 Listening

有没有网络成瘾 不能只以在线时间算

Forty years of the internet: how the world changed for ever

Internet Addiction  

PM committed to migration target

Immigration and Migration