Third year language assignments for TT 2007

Place the mouse over the words in the first column to view the topics of the weeks

Topics Readings Newspaper translation Interpreting Prose composition Listening comprehension
W1 巴黎打造"自行车城市" 申论预测试卷及解析(9)交通问题 Vocab

The Use of Speed Cameras

Cameras keep majority of car drivers under the urban limit 公交车比自行车慢 中国城市公共交通暗疾丛生
W2 凤凰专报:联合国未来角色备受关注
美国在伊拉克紧握权力 联合国角色不明任重道远 Vocab

United Nations

UN's role in rebuilding postwar Iraq

联合国:伊拉克战后重建问题 发挥作用越来越大


中国丛谈特辑 Vocab

An interview

A great leap backward 毛泽东:鲜为人知的故事
W4 古代就有普通话 历时四千年 打通外来术语的汉译路径 Vocab

Shall Pinyin be used to replace characters?

Is English the language of business? 汉字拉丁化

中国面临转型陷阱现象 现代化成功不威胁世界

世界森林"罪恶产业链"调查 中国为谁背黑锅


Threat or Opportunity?

China vs. Earth: How China is Threatening the World's Environment 中国威胁论:2031年中国将耗尽全球森林资源


廢統 扁走向台獨第一步 Vocab

War and Peace

Peace is a dynamic process of nonviolent social interaction

W7 两代人的高考轨迹 北京图缓解毕业生就业问题 Vocab

Increase of enrolment in Chinese universities

How can universities choose?

W8   甘肃让农民把"存孩子"变为"存款" Vocab

China's 'one child' policy

China steps up 'one child' policy 出生率降低 上海不鼓励"丁克族"