
Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

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British Chinese Language Teaching Society

Institute for Chinese Studies

Oriental Institute

University of Oxford

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Institute for Chinese Studies, Oxford

Materials for interpreting and listening exercises

International relations    

Click the following boxes to start the exercises.

Interpreting                                                    Listening

US-UN relations 安南呼吁安理会搁置分歧
Middle East Peace Plan   中国:清理侵犯人权官员
Sino-American Relationship 中美关系研讨会在美举行
China-Taiwan Relationship 中国国台办副主任在美阐述中国和平统一原则立场
Aid to the Third World 关键是兑现承诺
Democracy 投票率到底多少说法不一
Election in Iraq 伊拉克战争
Chirac's visit to China 希拉克访华三大任务引人注目
US Election 美国大选年中美可能出现磨擦
China's president Hu Jintao visits the States 胡锦涛到访美国政界看法在变化
The Arab World 伊逃亡者及阿拉伯世界对萨达姆受审感情相当复杂
United Nations 联合国:伊拉克战后重建问题 发挥作用越来越大
European Union 欧盟新法规将给英国财政带来巨大冲击