Third year language assignments for HT 2009

Click here to see the language teaching plan for this term

Place the mouse on the letters in the first column to view the topics
Topics Readings Newspaper translation Prose composition Listening comprehension Interpreting
W1 现代美国反毒品运动 搜查娱乐场所 Sean's story 对孩子进行反毒品教育 Vocab

Anti drug

W2 中国的同性恋文化 中國一些學者在國家媒體上再次呼籲同性戀婚姻合法化 Gay bishop to lead prayers at Barack Obama inauguration 英出台《同性恋骚扰法》 Vocab

Right for gays and lesbians

W3 艾滋病的医学全名 艾滋病与世界艾滋病日 Steve Jones, intrepid explorer of Darwin's Island Debate on the GM food Vocab


W4 美国失业率创四年最高水平 中国燃料上涨引发对通货膨胀的担心 Now is the time for a revolution in economic thought 通货膨胀与失业 Vocab


W5 解决能源瓶颈 中国多个省份争建首座内陆核电站 立陶宛核电厂关闭记 Every little helps 用核电?还是不用? Vocab

Nuclear power

W6 堵车烦恼 英国杂谈:伦敦的公共汽车 Britain’s trains are fast and reliable 让百姓出行更方便快捷 Vocab

Public Transport

W7 民主社会


Defender of democracy Jack Straw builds a wall of words 民主是危害最小的选择 Vocab

Would Western democracy ensure world peace?

W8 IBM等電腦無線上網損健康 京漢沉迷網遊爭電腦砍死兒子 Internet addiction made an official disorder in China 探究"网瘾":"我们找不到知心朋友" Vocab

Internet Addiction