Third year language assignments for TT 2006

Place the mouse on the words in the first column to view the topics of the weeks

Topics Readings Newspaper translation Prose composition Listening comprehension Interpreting
W1 此次胡锦涛访美为何意义非常? 胡锦涛正面影响“华盛顿新共识” Mr Hu goes to Washington (after he's seen Bill Gates and the Boeing factory) 胡锦涛到访美国政界看法在变化 China's president Hu Jintao visits the States
W2 留学生幼稚 别怪文化差异 中国来英国留学

Two-year degree will raise costs and workloads, say universities

英国首相布莱尔宣布吸引留学生计划 Why British Universities must attract more students from overseas?
W3 日本反核抗议要求放弃核能 布什公布解决能源危机方案 Nuclear power isn't the answer 欧洲反核能情绪蔓延 Is nuclear power the answer?
W4 英国外相中国崛起给世界带来机遇 中国不会成为霸权国家

The Alleged China Threat

BBC国际民调:乐见中国经济崛起 Threat or Opportunity?
W5 独生子女政策副作用也不小 应在农村推广独生子女政策 Designed to Limit Population Growth 中国的生育政策不是“一胎”政策 The One Child Policy
W6 维尔布鲁根相信奥运会环境和交通都不会有问题 中國男足成為世界排名前20的隊伍 Dragon in the Limelight 国际奥委会:北京筹备工作领先 空气污染令人忧 2008 Olympics



Low-cost travel plan for young

英国铁路集装箱运输笑迎春天 Public Transport
W8 “性感”的艺人=“想非礼”的艺人,大概也不会成立 发展青年文化促进社会主义先进文化建设 Why it’s time for politicians to be poets 中国大学生信仰“实用主义” Popular Culture