Third year language assignments for MT 2008

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Place the mouse on the letters in the first column to view the topics

Topics Readings Newspaper translation Prose composition Listening comprehension Interpreting
W1 金融危机呼唤全球共同应对 布什:“不懂经济”的MBA总统 China won't save the world from the financial crisis 冰岛 - 破产的国家 Vocab

Credit Crunch

W2 距离美国总统大选投票日还有60天


US rivals back on campaign trail

美国大选奥麦辩论“水管工乔”一夜爆红 Vocab

The US Election

W3 专家称澳州环保记录倒退 布莱尔为英国环保政策辩护 Biofuels 'do more harm than good to environment' says Royal Society 英国环保全球排名理想 Vocab


W4 纪录片误报女王发怒 英国广播公司被迫公开道歉 英国广播公司因节目中含粗俗用语被迫道歉 Clamour grows for BBC to act over Russell Brand radio insults “下流玩笑”犯衆怒 BBC主持停職 Vocab                     

Which is more trustworthy, mainstream media or bloggers?

W5 美国“包容文化”的胜利 亚洲人“眯缝眼”风波不断 Killed by prowling gang of thugs over colour of his skin 电影《撞车》 Vocab

Living in a multicultural society



邓丽君的宗教信仰 Archbishop says law 'must protect religions' 从北大清华出家的和尚们 Vocab




动物维权 Oxford University says the first animals have been moved into a new biomedical sciences centre in the city 英国动物试验支持者首次游行 Vocab

The Animal Rights Movement

W8 中国跻身超级计算机世界十强 世界因DIY而不同 Beijing propaganda chief hatches plan to combat age of internet news 微软黑屏事件 Vocab

Young People's Gadgets