Third year language assignments for MT 2005

Place the mouse on the words in the first column to view the topics of the weeks

Topics Readings Newspaper translation Prose composition Listening comprehension Interpreting
W1 锻炼为啥老半途而废(健身提示) 公众健康为什么追不上经济发展的脚步 20 Proven health benefits of exercise 专家给出最佳健身方案 Exercise and Sports Make People Healthy
W2 一次大战末在世界范围流行的超级流感竟“来自禽鸟” 卫生部农业部将定期通报人畜共患传染病疫情 A flu pandemic could happen at any time and kill between 5-150 million people 世卫警告:禽流感可能大流行全球经济应警惕 The Threat of Bird Flu
W3 传媒娱乐化 “大众传媒”的必经阶段 呼喚新的文化良知符號/單士兵 The First World War and Popular Culture “超女”现象 The influence of pop culture in our society




Healthy choices on a vegan diet 专家指导怎么吃素才健康 Vegetarianism


全球变暖导致非洲最高山峰冰雪融化 Blair encourages post-Kyoto action on global warming 《京都协议》与中国可持续发展之路 Global warming
W6 全球化进程中的中国经济 我纺织品销美仍有障碍

EU and China reach textile deal

中国崛起不是威胁是机会 The Trade War between China and the West
W7 宗教的"靈活運用" 实为翻版的“神造论” 美中学“智慧设计论”惹官司

Blending politics and religion

美宗教势重新崛起 Religion
W8 美军新一轮基地调整的战略意图及其影响 英研究机构称伊拉克战争将持续数十年 Peers fight to scrap planned offence of glorifying terrorism 美式反恐战争失败的多种可能 How can we defeat terrorism