Third year language assignments for TT 2005

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Weekly Topics Readings Newspaper translation Prose composition Listening comprehension Interpreting
W1 英国百年车厂申请破产 对大选有消极影响


End of Rover shatters lives and dreams 英国对上汽收购路华抱怀疑态度 The End of British Car Production 
W2 布莱尔:唐宁街体味八年之痒 英国大选:拉票手段高度现代化 Election Issues: Education 英国大选打起发型战 秃顶休想进入唐宁街 The UK Election
W3 家长为何去陪读 欧洲打造高教"航母" 中国学生将获益 Taking the lead in supporting e-learning 英国贫困白人青少年的教育问题 Higher Education
W4 老周月饼满溢文化风情 麦当劳有资格办儿童日吗 Food in Chinese culture 中国菜名有学问 Food in Chinese Culture
W5 伦敦征进城费首日情况良好


Mobile speed camera traps 'soar' 伦敦收费治堵方案升级  进城区要按里程收费 The Use of Speed Cameras
W6 在兩岸四地佛教圓桌會上的致辭/ 國家宗教局局長葉小文 北京教區舉行追思彌撒

History of Buddhism

BBC宗教调查结果意见纷陈 Religion


英女王卫兵栽入“毒罐子” 不到月底军饷花光

Youth Drinking Spells Later Alcohol Problems 毒品,人类祖先的生存需要 Drinking And Drug Problems in Our Society 
W8 西安高校学子青睐健身房 让广播体操回归大众(全民健身) Health Benefits of Physical Fitness 专家给出最佳健身方案 Sports Make People Healthy

Vocabulary list                                                                                                       Vocabulary list 2