Practical Chinese Reader Texts & Exercises with Sound Files

  1. Students are expected to prepare all the following materials before their weekly classes.
  2. Click the links under "Lessons" to listen and read the texts. When you are on a Chinese text web page, you can either click on the title of the text to download the sound file of the lesson or you can click on the Chinese sentences and listen to the lesson sentence by sentence with the English translation in the pop-up windows.
  3. You will need the hardcopies of the Practical Chinese Reader to follow the exercises under "Ex". Click here for the ktmatu PCR vocabulary

Michaelmas Term

Week Lessons Pronunciation & lab work Listening Grammar Speaking and other exercises
One 1-5 New words  Pinyin Ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Pinyin table Tasks for Week 1 Characters PCR vocab index (full form)
Two 6-8 New words Pinyin Ex 6, 7, 8      Pinyin practice Comprehension    Tasks for Week 2 Characters 
Three 9-11 New words Pinyin Ex 9,10,11   Pinyin practice Comprehension Tasks for Week 3 Characters 
Four 12-14 New words Ex 12, 13, 14       Pinyin practice Vacb test Tasks for Week 4 Speaking   
Five 15-17 New words Ex L.16, 17    Pinyin practice        Vacb test Tasks for Week 5 Speaking   
Six 18-19 New words Ex L. 18, 19  Dictation exercises Vacb test Tasks for Week 6 Speaking    
Seven 20-21 New words Ex L. 20, 21   Tasks for Week 7 Speaking   
Eight 22-23 New words Ex L. 22, 23 Comprehension Tasks for Week 8 Speaking   

Hilary Term

Week Lessons Pronunciation & lab work Listening Q 20-30, 31-40 Grammar Speaking and other exercises
One 24-26 New words Ex L. 24 25,  26 Comprehension 24- Tasks for Week 1  
Two 27-28 New words Ex L. 27 28 Comprehension 25-6 Tasks for Week 2 Interpreting
Three 29-30 New words Ex L. 29,  30 Comprehension 27-8 Tasks for Week 3 Interpreting    New words
Four 31-32 Ex L. 31 32 Comprehension 29-30 Tasks for Week 4 Interpreting    New words
Five 33-34 New words Ex L. 33 34 Comprehension 31-32 Tasks for Week 5 Interpreting    New words
Six 35-36 New words Ex L. 35 Comprehension 33-34 Tasks for Week 6 Interpreting    New words
Seven 37-38 New words LL Ex Comprehension 35-36 Tasks for Week 7  
Eight 39-40 New words LL Ex  Chinese script Comprehension 37-38, 39-40 Tasks for Week 8  

Trinity Term

Week Lessons Pronunciation & lab work Listening Q 20-30, 31-40 Grammar Speaking and other exercises
One 41-42 New words LL Ex  Chinese script        
Two 43-44 New words LL Ex  Chinese script Comprehension    
Three 45-46  LL Ex Chinese script Comprehension    
Four 47-48 LL Ex Chinese script      
Five 49-50    Listening    
Six       Revision  
Seven       Revision  
Eight       Revision  

Kan's HT23 tutorial